***** Elegance *****
Tutorial By Kamil
Thank You Very Much Estela Fonseca For Good Translation
Thank You Very Much Sylviane For Good Translation
Thank You Very Much İnge Lore's For Good Translation
Thank You Very Much Franie Margot For Good Translation
Thank You Very Much Eugenia Clo For Good Translation
Effects - Carolaine and Sensbilty CS-HLines
Alien Skin \ Eye Candy 5 Impact Glass \ Settings \ Elegance -1-Glass
Alien Skin \ Eye Candy 5 Impact Glass \ Settings \ Elegance -2-Glass
(to put in this folder )
Woman Tube KamilTube-4559
Materials Link
Foreground Color a7dbdd
Background Color 153737
File New 1000x550 Open Transparent Layer * Raster 1 *
Fill with White Color ffffff
Layers - New Raster Layer * Raster 2 *
Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection Elegance -1
Fill with Gradient
Selection - Select None
Effects - Carolaine and Sensbilty CS-HLines
Layers - New Raster Layer * Raster 3 *
Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection Elegance -2
Fill with White Color ffffff ( 1 Clik )
Selection - Select None
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow 40, Minus-20,70,90 Black
Activate the bottom layer (Raster 1)
Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection Elegance -3
Selections - Promote Selection Layer (Promoted Selection)
Layers Arrange Bring To Top
Layers Duplicate (Coppy Of Promoted Selection)
Effects - 3D Effects - Cutout
Selections Modify Contract 20 Pixels
Again Effects - 3D Effects - Cutout ( Same Setting )
Again Selections Modify Contract 20 Pixels
Again Effects - 3D Effects - Cutout ( Same Setting )
Again Selections Modify Contract 20 Pixels
Fill with Gradient ( Same Setting )
Open Mist Tube Elegance-Flowers
Edit Paste İnto Selection
Keep The Selection
Alien Skin \ Eye Candy 5 Impact Glass \ Settings \ Elegance -1-Glass
Manuel Setting :
Selection - Select None
Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection Elegance -3
Alien Skin \ Eye Candy 5 Impact Glass \ Settings \ Elegance -2-Glass
Manuel Setting :
Layer Merge-Merge Down (Promoted Selection )
Layers Duplicate (Copy of Promoted Selection
Image - Resize -75% - Resize All Layers - Not Checked
Effects - İmage Effects - Offset H -525 V -100
Layers - New Raster Layer * Raster 4 *
Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection Elegance -4
Fill with Gradient ( Same Setting )
Selection - Select None
Layers - New Raster Layer * Raster 5 *
Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection Elegance -5
Fill with White Color ffffff
Open Elegance-Deco-1
Edit Copy
On your work image: Edit - Paste As New Layer * Raster 6 *
No Need Move
Open Elegance-Deco-2
Edit Copy
On your work image: Edit - Paste As New Layer * Raster 7 *
No Need Move
Open Elegance-Text
Edit Copy
On your work image: Edit - Paste As New Layer * Raster 8 *
Effects - İmage Effects - Offsett H- 400 V - Minus -195
Open Woman Tube KamilTube-4559
Edit Copy
On your work image: Edit - Paste As New Layer * Raster 9 *
Adapt The Required Measurement
Layer Merge -Merge All ( Flatten )
Edit Copy
On your work image: Edit - Paste As New Layer * Raster 2 *
Image - Resize - 950 Pixel - Resize all Layers checked
Add your name or watermark, save as JPG file and you're done!
Thank You
Thank you very much for the test Melodi Creations